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Attitude to Loan and Debt: the Role of Financial Competence and Personal Traits

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to investigate peculiarities of attitude to debt and loans, as well as financial competence in young people that took part/did not take part in the professional game called “Loan Portfolio”, which is aimed at increasing the level of financial competence. We compared the attitude to debt and loan in the respondents before and after the introduction of laws aimed at the protection of borrowers’ interests.

Individual and Personal Factors for Successful Learning of a Foreign Language by Linguistics Students

The article is devoted to the problem of the correlation between the foreign language acquisition effectiveness and personality traits, which are analyzed on the basis of Five-Factor model (P. Costa and R. McRae) and System-Functional model (A. I. Krupnov). The empirical study hypotheses were tested that the success of studying English by students is related to the Openness and Conscientiousness of the FiveFactor model, as well as to the variables from the instrumental-dynamic subsystem of initiative, considered within the framework of the SystemFunctional model.

Personalyty Factors and Professional Effectiveness among Managers in a Commercial Organization

The article discusses the problem of the relation between professional effectiveness and personal traits (at the example of the «Big Five» factors). The results of the empirical study carried out in a commercial organization are presented. A total of 313 store managers of clothing and accessories shops took part in the research, including 82 male and 231 female. The age of the respondents was from 21 to 42 years. The work experience of the managers was no less than one year. The personality traits were measured by the «Five-Factor Questionnaire» adapted by M. Bodunov and S. Biryukov.

Factors and Possible Types of Psychological Well-Being of Personality

The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of psychological types and factors of well-being. We suggested the existence of the specifics correlation between personality traits and severity level of psychological well-being, which determines the types of well-being of the personality. The results of empirical research carried out on a sample of students (N = 170, aged 16 to 25 years) with the use of psychodiagnostic tools: questionnaire «Life style index »; «The scale of psychological well-being» (C.

Relation between Typological Features of Personality Traits and Temperament in Students

This paper presents the relations between the temperament properties and typological features of the sociability, persistence and curiosity as a traits studied in terms of the System-Functional approach developed by A.I. Krupnov. A total of 207 students took part in the research, including 60 male and 147 female. The age of the respondents is from 17 to 25 years. The sociability, persistence, curiosity and temperament properties were measured by the Questionnaires developed by A. Krupnov in accordance with the System-Functional Model.

Verbal-Logical Thinking and the Structuring of the Preadolescents Personality Traits

The results of the longitudinal study of intelligence and personality characteristics of school children aged 9-12 years are presented. The study was performed on a sample of 128 students of 3 - 6 grades during three years. The R. B. Cattell's 12-factor questionnaire and Cultural Free Test are used. The new complex data processing method based on the neural networks and factor analysis is developed.