moral orientations

Moral Orientation and Subjective Well-Being of Young People from Different Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of moral orientations and subjective well-being, conducted on a sample of young Russians and Armenians using the following psychodiagnostic tools: the scale of subjective well-being (M. V. Sokolova); the technique for measuring the level of social frustratedness (L. I. Vasserman); the technique for diagnosing moral orientations (I. S. Slavinskaya, A. D. Nasledov, M. Y. Dvoretskaya).

Moral Self-Determination of Young People of Different Professions

The role of the moral qualities of the person in professional work was analyzed in the article. A comparative study of moral self-determination of the future specialists (students of the last courses) in advertising, psychology, economics and management was fulfilled (n = 145). The method «Personal moral self-determination» and the author’s method for evaluation of psychological indicators of advertisement effectiveness were used. The most positive moral position is typical for psychologists, and the most negative – for economists.