
A. M. Matyushkin’s Concept of Creative Giftedness as a Presupposition of Development of Creative Personality

Basic aspects of the concept of creative giftedness by A. M. Matyushkin are represented in the context of modern scientific literature and theoretical and experimental research of the staff of the Psychology of Giftedness Laboratory of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education.

Utilization of Pedagogical Technologies in the Process of Training Teachers to Work with Gifted Children (aged 5–10 years old) in the System of Higher Education

It is shown that in modern psychological and pedagogical studies of one of the pressing problems is the study of the phenomenon of giftedness. In the practice of educational ortutions identified a number of reasons that are associated with nepodgotovlaziness teachers to work with gifted children. Set out Data theoretical analysis of the problem of preparation of the teacher to work with gifted children of preschool and younger shkolno-instar. The requirements for the teacher’s personality, work melting with gifted children, disclosed his professional quality.