
Psychosemiotic Features of the Multiculturally Oriented Academic Text as a form of Information Objectification

The paper presents a psychological scheme of semantic comprehension of academic texts. In the context of a multicultural perspective, the scheme is presented as a three-tier system: the inductive level, the formative level of the functional scheme of semantic comprehension, and the realizing level. It is shown that understanding of a text in terms of its multicultural orientation is a complex multi-step process which involves perceptional-cognitive-affective processing of perceived information.

Personal Upbringing under Conditions of Additional Education Based on Polycultural Approach

The theoretical analysis of a problem of realization of polycultural approach in social education is presented in article; the essence of the concept «polylevel of culture» of the personality, it making is defined; the contents and ways of the organization of pedagogical activity in the conditions of additional education; the description of variety of the subcultures forming sociocultural space of the educational organization is given.