проблемная ситуация

Educational situation simulation in the co-being environment

The relevance of the problem stated in this article is conditioned by the important socio-cultural goal, that modern Russian school faces, of becoming the basis for the spiritual and moral development and education of an individual. Problem solving leads to the need for searching for resources that activate the educational process, which leads it to the environment of pupils’ values and meanings. The purpose of the study is to reveal the co-being approach to simulation and organization of pedagogical situations in working with pupils.

Understanding the Problem Situation and its Successful Solution

The goal of this research is to study the process of understanding as a form of productive thinking aimed at solving problematic situations. We demonstrated that the understanding of a meaning of a work of art, which unfolds as a dialogue between two subjects: the author and the reader/audience, can serve as a model for understanding the problematic situation. The standard for understanding is the meaning laid down by the author.