social-psychological adaptation

Peculiarities of Social and Psychological Adjustment and Stress of Personality High School Students in a Changing Society

and psychological adjustment and stress the individual pupils of the senior classes of secondary schools in 2015, 2013 and 2011. The basic modern approaches to the understanding of social and – psychological adaptation of personality and phenomena associated with it. The application of the methodology «Social-psychological adaptation» by C. Rogers and R. Diamond, the Mini-Mult checklist (MMPI), the methods of the comparable analysis allowed to find the peculiarities of the adaptational potential of the personality of the senior pupils in the changing conditions of society.

The Study of Social and Psychological Adaptation of the Compatriots Moving from the Neighboring Countries to Russia: Scientific and Methodical Aspect

The article argues for the adaptation research topicality of compatriots’ moving from neighboring countries to Russia, deals with methodical aspects of social-psychological and individual-personal factors, influencing migrants-compatriots’ adaptation success. It is expected that along with universality of expected problems migrants-compatriots’ social-psychological adaptation will have its specificity, caused by psychological characteristics and conditions of the resettlement of this category of migrants to Russia.