social psychology of the city

Perception of the city in different groups of children residing in a megapolis: comparative analysis

The problem of interaction of preschool children with the urban environment is analyzed. The study appears to be of relevance due to its focus on children’s personal agency investigated through their perception of objects and phenomena of the social and physical space of the megalopolis. The study aims to perform a comparative analysis of how groups of children who differ in their modality and orientation of their attitude to the urban environment perceive the city. Presumably, there are differences in the perception of the megalopolis by preschool children.

Young People’s Social and Psychological Satiety with Life in a Megapolis: Conceptual Approach and Research Results

The relevance of the study is associated with the study of viability resources of young city dwellers in the context of growing urbanization processes. The article presents theoretical and empirical research data regarding the problem of operationalization of the phenomenon of social and psychological satiety, which is a psychological state generated by peculiarities of the urban environment. The article presents concept description, gives data on its operationalization, formulates the hypothesis and shows some results of its empirical verification.

Viability of Urban Residents: Content of the Concept, Theoretical and Empirical Possibilities of Its Application

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to theoretically and methodologically substantiate the appropriateness of applying the concept of “viability of urban residents” in the studies of urban social psychology. Interdisciplinary analysis of approaches to the study of the problem of “human being and the city” has been carried out.