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Поляков С. Д. Fundamental Principles of Pedagogical and Psychological Theories of Social Education. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 260-?. DOI:
Fundamental Principles of Pedagogical and Psychological Theories of Social Education
The study aims to develop the foundations of a pedagogical and psychological theory of social education. It provides a rationale for the significance of this work in the context of the current pedagogical situation and formulates basic concepts of this theory. It also describes static and dynamic aspects of educational interaction and characterizes its organizational and cultural context. The cultural-historical theory and the activity approach serve as a psychological foundation for the ideas presented in the paper. Their culturological foundation includes ideas about preserving and innovative functions of culture. Based on these theoretical constructs, the study presents a generalized model of the teacher-educator and conditions for his/her professional formation. Finally, it specifies limits of the presented theoretical research.
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