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Zinovieva D. M. Intergenerational Transmission of «Reliable Attachment» as a Resource of Psychological Well-Being. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 361-366. DOI:

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Intergenerational Transmission of «Reliable Attachment» as a Resource of Psychological Well-Being


The article presents the results of a study on the nature of the direction of intergenerational transmission of psychological well-being. The psychological well-being of a person’s mother is considered as the main determinant of his/her psychological well-being. The relevancy of the study of intergenerational relations in social and psychological conditions of a society of a postmodern and post-postmodernity is grounded. It is shown that the break of intergenerational ties leads to the fact that the deficit and marginality of personality’s structure of a modern person becomes a common phenomenon. A comparative method was used to study the results of a survey of 42 mother-child dyads: mothers aged 27–42 years, children aged 4–7. The aim of the study was to compare the psychoemotional well-being characteristics of children raised by parents with «reliable attachment» and «unreliable attachment». A set of questionnaire, narrative, projective methods, methods of content analysis and mathematical statistics were used. The results show that the expressiveness of the components of psychological well-being is transmitted from mother to child is statistically significantly. The influence of the early psycho-emotional experience of mother determines the child’s relationship with himself/herself and others both at early and mature age, determines the integral sense of psychological well-being. The unreliable attachment of mother predetermines the unreliable attachment of child, manifested in anxiety, conflict, hostility, and in the more mature age – in avoiding contacts, interaction, in the difficulties of building warm relations, in a generalized sense of guilt in relationships with oneself, others and the world. The existence of the phenomenon of transgenerational transmission such as attachment and a sense of psychological well-being in the dyadic relations of mother and child allows us to expand psychological tasks in practical work.


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