Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Ser. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2017. Т 6, вып. 4 (24)
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Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Ser. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2017. Т 6, вып. 4 (24)
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Educational Acmeology
Social Adjustment of Individuals through Facilitation of Social Interaction in Inclusive Education
стр. 300
Formation of Professional Self-Consciousness in Higher Education Institution: Content and Evaluation
стр. 307
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigations of Psyche’s Development
Economic Resocialization of an Individual and a Group: the Concept and Main Research Directions
стр. 312
Psychology of Social Development
An Individual and a Virtual Organization: Psychological Problems and Prospects of Scientific Research
стр. 318
Characteristics of Decision-Making of People with Independent and Dependent Type of Subjective Regulation (Gender Differences)
стр. 334
Individual Characteristics of Stress Resistance in the Context of Self-Actualization of Personality
стр. 341
Socio-Cultural Integration of the Figurative Sphere and Commitment of Russian and Foreign University Students to Their Country
стр. 349
Intergenerational Transmission of «Reliable Attachment» as a Resource of Psychological Well-Being
стр. 361
Dynamics of Reflective Personality Characteristics in the Structure of Professional Burnout
стр. 367
Pedagogy of Development and Cooperation
Developing Soft Skills through Group Work within the Framework of Teaching English at University
стр. 374
Chronicle of Scholarly Activities
Adaptability Readiness of the Schoolchild: Results of the Scientific and Practical Workshop
стр. 381