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Lobanov A. P., Radchikova N. P., Drozdova N. V., Voronova A. V. Influence of Academic and Non-Academic Types of Intelligence on Academic Achievements of Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 304-312. DOI:
Influence of Academic and Non-Academic Types of Intelligence on Academic Achievements of Students
The problems associated with the predictive validity of general intelligence and non-academic (social and emotional) intelligence remain relevant and controversial. In order to test the hypothesis that the complementarity of intelligence types can determine academic success and the formation of universal competencies among university students, we obtained (two independent samples) characteristics of general (“Progressive Matrices” by J. Raven, “The Principal Way of Grouping” by A. Lobanov), social (G. Gilford’s test) and emotional intelligence (EmIn by D. V. Lyusin), as well as various indicators of academic achievement (average score, assessment of competence significance in the Europroject questionnaire TUNING, self-evaluation of training). The results of factorial and regression analysis showed that the academic success of students studying under the conditions of a knowledge-based and competence-based educational system are not selectively determined by any kind of intelligence. The only exception is abstract verbal intelligence, which turned out to be related to the indicators of the training success. We also established that the assessment of competencies is almost unrelated to the marks of students and their training self-evaluation, which suggests different approaches to identifying academic achievements during the competent and traditional approaches to the professional training of future specialists. The obtained results make it possible to say that students’ academic achievements correlate with their learning self-esteem and abstract verbal intelligence as a complex of cognitive abilities based on categorical mental representations and the classification mechanism. Complex and ambiguous interrelationships of the importance of competences with different types of intelligence make it possible to assume that this way the conditions for differentiation of students to those who have a disposition toward the research and practice are formed.
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