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Ryaguzova E. V. Collective Memory and Instances of Temporality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 138-145. DOI:

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Collective Memory and Instances of Temporality


The goal of the research presented in the article is theoretical reflection of collective memory characteristics and its projections on different temporal modes – the past, the present and the future. The article presents the results of the theoretical reflection of collective memory as a sociocultural and socio-psychological phenomenon of being of a human and humankind, as well as its projections on different temporal modes – the past, the present and the future. The collective memory is defined as a set of significant for a group figurative and verbal representations of the past, transmitted and reproduced by members of the group in the present; allowing them to consolidate and emotionally engage in the life of the group, actualizing the “Us” feeling, to preserve and protect their own identity and authenticity, to mark their difference from “Them”, to design the social and civic identity. We emphasized the main characteristics of collective memory (openness, liveliness, presence of closed zones, heterogeneity, selectivity, plurality, communication, emotionality), indicating that its main function is not so much to keep the past as to preserve the integrity of the group (collective community) and transition of the cultural code relevant for its unity. The collective memory is positioned as a special phenomenon of the modern chronotope, the projections of which are localized in different temporal modes of a personality and a group – the past, the present and the future. It is argued that the “stitching” of different instances of temporality in the collective memory occurs due to the importance and significance of the past events in constructing the identity of group members and the meaning of the present/future, and is determined by the group’s desire to minimize the uncertainty of its future and reduce the risks of repetition of crisis events.


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