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Drobysheva T. V., Sarychev S. V., Murzina J. S., Khokhlova N. I. Economic Socialization of Students with Different Level of Economic Mobility: Factors and Mechanisms. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 341-347. DOI:

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Economic Socialization of Students with Different Level of Economic Mobility: Factors and Mechanisms


The purpose of the study presented in the article is to identify differences in the level of economic mobility of a personality in its relationship with the objectives of economic claims. Presumably, the level of economic mobility in the group of young students will vary depending on the goals they set for self-sufficiency and the provision of their families. The study was performed on a sample of young students (N = 496; aged 19–23 years old; women – 70%) in Moscow, Kursk, Tyumen, Surgut, and Yekaterinburg using the author’s economic mobility questionnaire (T. V. Drobysheva), a questionnaire, aimed at studying economic claims (A. L. Zhuravlev, modified by T. V. Drobysheva), 7-point scales for determining the self-evaluation of material well-being level of a family and their contentment, as well as self-evaluation of respondents on a “poor – rich ” scale and their reflexive estimates on the same scale. We demonstrated that attitudes toward economic mobility of young students can perform a motivational function in the regulation of economic behavior, stimulate the activity of the individual towards the realization of the goals of his/her economic claims. Economic mobility level is determined by what goals young people set for themselves and their families. We identified three groups of respondents with different levels of economic mobility. It was discovered that in the group of “economically mobile” students, the psychological mechanism of mobility is the unbalance between the low level of contentment with the material well-being of the family and their high self-evaluation of economic identity. In the group of “economically non-mobile” students, the level of economic mobility is determined by the consistency of assessments of family’s subjective economic status and the family’s income level. The level of economic mobility of the “fatalists” depends on degree of their contentment with the current level of family’s material and financial well-being. The prospects of planning their future in terms of economic welfare directly depends on the goals they set.

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