Guidelines for Authors
Guidelines for authors submitting their manuscripts to the journal Izvestia of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
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REVIEW PROCEDURE in the journal Izvestia of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
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1. General Provisions
1.1. The Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology publishes 4 issues a year and accepts manuscripts with original innovative research results in educational acmeology, psychology of development and related areas. Languages: Russian, English.
1.2. Topics of the journal correspond to the list of branches of sciences and groups of specialties in accordance with the Nomenclature of Specialties:
13.00.01 - General pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences)
13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of professional education (pedagogical sciences)
19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.05 - Social psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.07 - Educational psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.13 - Developmental Psychology, Acmeology (psychological sciences)
1.3. The editorial board does not consider the articles that
• · are of exclusively applied character
• · were previously published
• ·are accepted for publication in other journals
• · do not meet the aims and scope of the magazine
1.4 The editorial board of the journal follows the publication ethics of the journals Izvestiya of Saratov University. Authors and reviewers should also comply with the ethical standards.
1.5. A manuscript should not exceed 25,000 – 35,000 characters including spaces. Acceptance of longer articles is subject to the editorial board approval
1.6. An article should be carefully formatted and thoroughly edited
1.7 The manuscript file (Word 2003) should be sent to - Executive Secretary of the Title Bocharova Elena Evgenyevna. In this case, the text of the manuscript should preserve the structure of the material (see 2.2)
1.8. All manuscripts before reviewing are tested for plagiarism which is carried out by the editorial board of the journal in RUKONText ( or Antiplagiat (, the system for checking text borrowings. In the case of unauthorized borrowings or a low originality ratio of the text (< 85%), the manuscript is rejected
1.9. All manuscripts received by the editorial board, tested for plagiarism and matching the profile of the journal, are reviewed (see Peer Review Procedure). In the case of a positive decision on publication, the article is subject to final scientific editing
1.10. The manuscript sent to the author for revision should be corrected and returned at the earliest opportunity. A manuscript delayed for a period of over three months is considered as newly submitted. A revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all comments and explaining all changes made in the article. A revised manuscript will be peer-reviewed again
1.11. The author of the accepted manuscript signs 2 copies of a license agreement and sends them to: E. E. Bocharova, 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya Str, 83, SSU, Faculty of pedagogical and special education. Upon signing at the university, one copy is returned to the author
1.12. Receipt of the manuscript final version is considered to be the date of its receipt
1.13. Publication is free.
1.14. Our contacts:
Mail address 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya Str., 83, SSU, Faculty of pedagogical and special education
Executive Secretary of the Title: Elena Bocharova
2. Manuscript Requirements
2.1. Structure of Manuscript
Text structure should comply with the format given below (it may vary depending on the research type)
In Russian:
UDC index (12 font)
Title. The title should contain the subject matter, the topic and the main purpose (question) of the article
The number of notional words in the title should not exceed 7
Authors. Initials come first, then the surname: P.S. Ivanov, S.I. Petrov, I.P. Sidorov.
Author details: surname, name, patronymic, degree, position, affiliation and its postal address, country, e-mail.
Abstract (150 - 250 words in length) should reflect the main content of the work and contain its relevance, purpose, research hypothesis, description of the study participants (number, gender, age), features of the applied methods, research results, conclusions. The abstract should not repeat the information contained in the title of the article. Unnecessary introductory phrases should be eliminated. The author should avoid historical references, (unless they constitute the main content of the manuscript), description of the previously published works and well-known provisions. The results of the work should be accurate and informative. The abstract should include the main theoretical and empirical results, evidence and revealed relationships and patterns. It should highlight new results and data of long-term significance, important conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the author’s opinion, have practical implications. Conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations and suggestions.
Keywords: authors should provide 5 to 7 words, contributing to the article indexing in search engines. They should be arranged from the most general terms, related to the research problem, to the more differentiated, describing the research participants and methods. Laboratory jargon and neologisms cannot be used as keywords. The subtitle Keywords should be boldest type without italics. Keywords are separated by semicolons with a period at the end. Russian and English keywords must match in pairs
The full text of the manuscript should be carefully proofread and structured into sections: Introduction (rationale, purpose, hypothesis); Materials and methods (Research participants. Methods. Techniques); Results and their analysis; Conclusions (or Conclusion).The text structure may vary depending on the specifics of a particular article.
A theoretical article should be supplied with thematic subheadings
Acknowledgments and funding. Reference to the source of funding the research work / article is mandatory (fund ..., research project; private or state organization; private individual, etc.). The amount of funding is not indicated. The authors can gratefully acknowledge the institutions and individuals who contributed to the organization and implementation of the study described in the manuscript.
Example: The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Federal Property Fund in the framework of a research project (No. 17-06-02140)
Information about the contribution of each author (and individuals indicated in the Acknowledgements section). Example: Participation of authors: Ivanov I.I. - concept and design of research; Petrov P. P. - collection and processing of materials; Sidorov S. S. - analysis of the data obtained, writing the text.
The bibliography list should reflect the authors' knowledge of relevant publications on the subject of the manuscript including foreign sources, contain information about all publications mentioned in the text and should not contain works to which there are no links in the text. References to sources should be in the form of footnotes as they occur in the text, numbered with Arabic numerals in square brackets (indicating pages, if relevant). For example, [1, p. 81]. If several sources are indicated, they are separated by a semicolon and a space [5; 8; 13]. Indication of the publisher and the total number ofpages of the publication are mandatory The list should include at least 20 - 25 sources: primarily, articles of the last 5 years from Russian and foreign journals, indexed in RSCI, Scopus and WoS. Theoretical articles or reviews should contain at least 40 sources having DOI. Self-citation should not exceed 20% of the total number of references.
The bibliography list should be typeset according GOST (standard specification) R7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference”
The English title of the article (Article title) must be free of grammar, spelling or typographical errors, while the meaning should be fully semantically consistent with the Russian title.
The English name of the author (s) and place of work (Author names. Affiliation) must be written in accordance with a foreign passport, or in the same way as in articles previously published in foreign journals. In addition, the authors provide their ORCID, affiliation (the official English name of the institution), its mailing and e-mail addresses. .
Example: Petr S. Ivanov, ORCID 0000-0003-1356-2212, Saratov State University 83, Astrakhanskaya Str., Saratov, 410012, Russia;
The English version of the abstract should structurally and semantically (Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions) comply with the Russian version and be literate in terms of English. It should be 150-250 words in length (for original works it is highly desirable that a structured abstract contains at least 200 words).
Keywords: author should provide 5 to 7 keywords, contributing to the article indexing in search engines. Russian and English keywords must match in pairs.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgements must be consistent with the content of the Russian version.
References to Russian sources should be organized as follows:
• ·the translated version of the source, if applicable; the translated version may also be described as additional information [in brackets];
• · if the translated version is not applicable, then transliteration is used in the BGN format (, but the article (book) title should be translated into English and put in square brackets; then indicate the language of publication (in Russian) . After that come Author’s name and Source title in transliteration, followed by Source title and Masthead in English translation;
• if DOI is applicable, it should be indicated.
Design samples of various sources are given together with the style file at
2.2. Requirements for Tables and Figures
Tables. Tables should be placed in the manuscript body. They should have a numbered heading and clearly marked columns, convenient and readable. These tables should not duplicate the information presented in the manuscript body. References to tables in the text are mandatory. If tables and figures contain additional designations, they should be explained in the Note.
Note: The following notation is accepted: ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Each table in the text and its numbered heading should be dubbed in Russian and English. A Russian-language version of the numbered heading and the table is followed by the English version of the numbered heading and the table (translated, not transliterated)
Таблица 1 / Table 1
Факторы, факторные нагрузки и объясняемая дисперсия, раскрывающие содержание типовых стилей делового общения менеджеров (n = 85)
Factors, factor loads, and explained variance, revealing the content of typical styles of managers’ business communication (n = 85)
Drawings. The amount of graphic material should be minimal (unless it is crucial for the study). Each figure must be accompanied by a numbered caption. Links to figures in the text are mandatory.
A numbered caption is dubbed in Russian and English. Both captions should be placed directly below the image. English caption follows the Russian caption.
Рис. 1. Степень удовлетворенности в основных потребностях абитуриентов
Fig. 1. The degree of satisfaction in the basic needs of applicants
2. 3. Technical requirements for the manuscript
Full-text articles should be 25,000-30,000 characters with spaces and contain no more than 5 figures and 4 tables. Tables and figures should not occupy more than 20% of the total article.
The article body should be printed in Times New Roman font, at 1.5 interval, with margins of 2.5 cm, the main text in font 14, the secondary text (footnotes, tables, captions and inscriptions to drawings, appendices and notes in font 12
2. 4. Other
• · The submitted manuscript file should be in Microsoft Word format
• · Manuscripts that do not follow the above requirements are neither registered, nor considered by the editorial office.
• · Materials rejected by the editorial board are not returned to author.
Manuscript Registration and Review Rules
1. Check of the submitted manuscript for compliance with the requirements of the journal
2. Registration of the manuscript in the editorial office
3. Manuscript check in the Anti-Plagiarism system
4. Peer-review
5. Deciding on the publication of the manuscript
6. Signing Agreement with the author
7. Prepress manuscript preparation
The rightholder is the author of the Paper, which owns the following rights (guaranteed by the License agreement):
- the exclusive right for the Paper;
- the right of authorship (copyright without restrictions);
- the author's right for Name;
- the right to the inviolability of the Paper;
- the right to publish the Paper (publishing rights without restrictions).