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Новикова И. А. Relation between Typological Features of Personality Traits and Temperament in Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 60-?. DOI:

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Relation between Typological Features of Personality Traits and Temperament in Students


This paper presents the relations between the temperament properties and typological features of the sociability, persistence and curiosity as a traits studied in terms of the System-Functional approach developed by A.I. Krupnov. A total of 207 students took part in the research, including 60 male and 147 female. The age of the respondents is from 17 to 25 years. The sociability, persistence, curiosity and temperament properties were measured by the Questionnaires developed by A. Krupnov in accordance with the System-Functional Model. Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical analysis. The study results demonstrate the specificity of the temperament expression among representatives of different sociability, persistence and curiosity realization types (such as instrumental-meaningful type, motivated-aharmonic type, low-motivated type, and selective type). Correction and harmonization frameworks for development of the sociability, persistence and curiosity were identified based on its typological features and relations with the temperament properties.


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