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Prygin G. S. Characteristics of Decision-Making of People with Independent and Dependent Type of Subjective Regulation (Gender Differences). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 334-340. DOI:

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Characteristics of Decision-Making of People with Independent and Dependent Type of Subjective Regulation (Gender Differences)


The article presents the results of the study on the characteristics of decision-making by young men and women with independent and dependent types of subjective regulation. It is shown that along with the widely discussed factors influencing the decision-making such as situation and personal characteristics, another factor has a significant influence, although it is practically not described in psychological literature. It is about how the subject will implement the alternative chosen by him/ her. More often, different alternatives require different ways of their implementing, which are always explicitly or implicitly taken into account by the subject who makes decisions. At the same time, the methods of alternatives implementation will be determined to a great extent by typological characteristics of subject regulation of the person making a decision. The data from the empirical study were processed using multidimensional analysis of variance, and it revealed the effect of gender on the «Hypervigilance» scale, moreover, the results for young women on this scale are significantly higher than for young men. In addition, the influence of the type of subjective regulation on the «Avoidance», «Procrastination», and «Hypervigilance» scales and on the assessment of «Difficulties in decision-making» was found. In addition to that, with an increase in the degree of dependence of the subject, the scores on these scales increase. The influence on the «Personal Traits» scale was found in independent subjects; according to this scale the results are higher for them than for the dependent ones.


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