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Klenova M. A. Dynamics of Development of Emotional Intelligence in University Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 176-?. DOI:

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Dynamics of Development of Emotional Intelligence in University Students


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the level of emotional intelligence of students majoring in Psychology studying in different years (N = 100), performed with the use of the following psychodiagnostic tools: N. Hall’s Assessment of Emotional Intelligence questionnaire (adapted by E. P. Ilyin, I. V. Andreeva); a questionnaire aimed at studying the subjective notion of emotional intelligence, designed by the author to expand empirical data. The relevance of the study is due to the need to form a high level of emotional intelligence in future psychologists. The purpose of the study is to research the level of emotional intelligence in students in different years of their university programs, as well as young people’s subjective representations about their own emotional intelligence and that of their nearest social environment (family, friends, teachers). It was established that emotional intelligence is a dynamic characteristic of a person. Its structural content is directly proportional to the age of the subjects and the year of the program they are studying. The obtained results, according to which the level of emotional intelligence is higher in undergraduate students, and in third- and first-year students the level of emotional intelligence is low. The vision of their emotional intelligence in students is structured and reflects the importance of relationships with the closest social environment. In the first year, emotional mutual understanding of students is more focused on friendly relationships, and in senior years – on family ones. The subjective vision of one’s own emotional intelligence is transformed depending on the year the students are studying in. Freshmen are confident that they can control their emotional state, and it is noted that the emotional state of senior students, on the contrary, is not always subject to subjective control. The applied aspect of the investigated issue can be realized in programs of personal and professional development of youth


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