
Characteristics of the ultimate meanings and students’ life-purpose orientations depending on the gender

 The relevance of the study is conditioned by rapid transition to digital forms of education, which is associated with the pandemic. Students have changed the way they interact with teachers and with each other, which constantly leads to transformation of personal meanings, values, rethinking of their purpose and role in the educational process. The purpose of the study, presented in the article, is to investigate unusual characteristics of the semantic sphere regarding male and female students’ academic activity.

Experience of Unfair Situations in University Students in the Course of Educational Process

The relevance of the research topic is conditioned by insufficient coverage of unfair situations-related experience in students in the course of educational process. Studying the experience of unfair situations during the communicative interaction of university professors and students reflects the ways of personal development and contributes to the improvement of psychological climate in student life. The purpose of the study is to identify students’ experiences of unfair situations arising in the educational process and various types of sensitivity to justice, as well as values.

Higher School Students’ Notion About Social Activity

The relevance of the study is determined by the identification of the specifics of students’ notion about social activity. The goal of the research is to study the structure of the notion of the social activity phenomenon among the young people on a student sample (N = 100, 65% are female, 58% are up to 25 years old). Presumably, the notion in the context under consideration has an unstable structure.

Dynamics of Development of Emotional Intelligence in University Students

The article presents the results of an empirical study of the level of emotional intelligence of students majoring in Psychology studying in different years (N = 100), performed with the use of the following psychodiagnostic tools: N. Hall’s Assessment of Emotional Intelligence questionnaire (adapted by E. P. Ilyin, I. V. Andreeva); a questionnaire aimed at studying the subjective notion of emotional intelligence, designed by the author to expand empirical data. The relevance of the study is due to the need to form a high level of emotional intelligence in future psychologists.

Types of Adaptive Personality Readiness in the School Learning Environment

The article presents the results of an empirical study of high school students’ adaptive readiness. The issue of adaptive personality readiness is important today and it is driven by the necessity of students’ readiness development to adaptation and incompetence of psychological knowledge about typological characteristics of adaptive readiness. The article carries out the analysis of the problems of adaptive personality readiness development in contemporary psychology.

Students’ Preferred Leisure Activities

The paper presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the problems of students’ preferred leisure activities. The socio-psychological importance of how these preferences are realized is defined as one of the factors of personality’s development and self-realization in the context of interaction between social and cultural groups of students. It is demonstrated that students who prefer going to shopping malls, do so to get positive emotional experiences: for them is not only a place for shopping but also a convenient (reasonable, optimal) leisure activity.

Psychological Features of Value-meaning Orientation in Students

The article discusses the results of an empirical study, and characterizes the marked value-semantic orientation peculiarities in students. In the course of the study of value-meaning orientation of the personality we used a set of valid and reliable tools to reveal the main types of orientation, the dominant values and attitudes of the personality in need-motivational sphere.