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Домбровскис В. ., Чапулис С. ., Гусева С. . Inclusive Education in Latvia for Children with Functional Motor Disorders in the Context of Sustainable Development. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 300-?. DOI:

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Inclusive Education in Latvia for Children with Functional Motor Disorders in the Context of Sustainable Development


The article presents data pertaining to theoretical analysis of topical aspects of the problem of inclusion of children with low severity functional motor disorders in the general education village school in the context of sustainable development. The author views the problem of low status of students with low severity functional motor disorders in their interaction with classmates. The article presents results of the empirical study, which was carried out on a sample of 30 students of the 7–9 grades of basic school aged 13–17. The following diagnostic tools were used: J. Campbell’s benevolence scale
and sociometry method. It was found out that in all classes the situation around students with low severity functional motor disorders is identical. They have the status of «outcasts» with low benevolence points on behalf of their classmates at the level of statistically significant variations. The applied aspect of the problem under study can be implemented in the development of psychological and pedagogical techniques of support and cooperation, which involves parents into the process of upbringing in order to harmonize the process of education


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