
Accessible Environment for People with Disabilities: Technological and Social Contexts (Proceedings of the Western-European Scientific Conference)

The article presents the proceedings of the Eighth Western- European conference “Accessible environment for people with disabilities: technological and social contexts”, which took place on September 27–29 2018 in Saratov. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the European Council for Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI-EUROPE), Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University.

Family as a Factor Successful Adaptation of Adolescents in Inclusive Education

The article presents data of the study of life scripts and adaptive capabilities of adolescents enrolled in an inclusive educational institution. This work represents the results of research carried out on a representative sample of students (Ulyanovsk; N = 98, age 12–17 years) with the use of diagnostic tools: diagnostic technique of social – psychological adaptation of С. Rogers and P. Diamond; technique «Essay » adapted by the author. The differences of socio-psychological adjustment between adolescents with different life scenarios.

Inclusive Education in Latvia for Children with Functional Motor Disorders in the Context of Sustainable Development

The article presents data pertaining to theoretical analysis of topical aspects of the problem of inclusion of children with low severity functional motor disorders in the general education village school in the context of sustainable development. The author views the problem of low status of students with low severity functional motor disorders in their interaction with classmates. The article presents results of the empirical study, which was carried out on a sample of 30 students of the 7–9 grades of basic school aged 13–17. The following diagnostic tools were used: J.

Tendencies in Development of Special Education: Social and Cultural Approach

The article presents socio-cultural analysis of the problem of transformation of an institution of special education in Russia. It views the main factors regarding change of its content-related characteristics, orientation towards social integration and educational inclusion for children with special needs. The author analyses the mainstream of special (correctional) education in Russia, which is linked to implementation of integrational and inclusive practices for teaching children with special educational needs.

Resource Center as a Modern Model of Psychological, Educational and Social Support of Children with Disabilities

The article is devoted to the problem of assisting children with disabilities. Noting the stigmatization of children with disabilities as a result of isolation, lack of socialization, the authors state transformation in contemporary society attitudes towards these children. Inclusion and integration are considered as a long-term strategy, considered not as a local area of work, but as a systematic approach to the organization of general education system as a whole.