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Kostina L. M., Pisarenko I. A. Individual Characteristics of Psychological Safety of Primary-School Students during School Adaptation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 346-350. DOI:
Individual Characteristics of Psychological Safety of Primary-School Students during School Adaptation
The paper present the results of an experimental study of how individual characteristics of psychological safety are manifested in first-graders depending on how well they are adapted to school. The study involved 238 children. It applied a number of techniques aimed at examining indicators of psychological safety and the level of school adaptation in first-graders. The study demonstrated that among primaryschool students with different levels of school adaptation, the most reliable data on differences was yielded in such a component of psychological safety as experiencing protection, which is expressed in emotional states and anxiety. The results of the study can be used by school psychologists when designing programs of psychological support for students during their school adaptation.
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