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Bocharova E. E. Interrelation between Discriminatory Attitudes and Characteristics of Life Satisfaction, Happiness in Young People. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 162-169. DOI:

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Interrelation between Discriminatory Attitudes and Characteristics of Life Satisfaction, Happiness in Young People


The purpose of the study presented in the article is to establish the interrelation between discriminatory attitudes and characteristics of life satisfaction, happiness in young people. The study was carried out on a sample of people (N = 168; mean age=27.63), mostly females (78.6%), using the following psycho-diagnostic tools: questionnaire that includes 8 scales focusing on self-assessment of discriminatory attitudes to the Other (R. M Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva), “Satisfaction with Life Scale” (by E. Diener, adapted by D. A. Leontiev, E. N. Osin) and “Subjective Happiness Scale” (by S. Lyubomirsky and H. Lepper, adapted by D. A. Leontiev). Presumably, there are multidirectional relationships between selfassessment of discriminatory attitudes and degree of manifestation of characteristics reflecting an individual’s experience of comfort in a current life situation. It has been established that young people are satisfied with their life and have a positive attitude to its events, while admitting their annoyance with unrealized opportunities for its improvement. Compared to Others, young people are not inclined to classify themselves as “consistently unhappy”. We have discovered the presence of multidirectional relationships between self-assessment of discriminatory attitudes and the severity of characteristics reflecting an individual’s experience of comfort in the current life situation. In a situation of experiencing dissatisfaction with life and doubts about the possibility of achieving life ideals, there is an increase in the intensity of discriminatory attitudes towards the representatives of Other groups with concentration on their certain privileges, as well as readiness to condemn and restrict their “free” behavior in public places. In a situation of experiencing emotional comfort, the intensity of prejudice regarding the necessity to limit Others who are clearly different, under conditions of their hiring or promotion, intensifies and weakens in a situation of experiencing emotional discomfort and subjective ill-being. The study can be used in the development of programs preventing risk of discrimination.


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