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Прыгин Г. С. Peculiarities Manifestations of the «Analyticity – Syntheticity» Cognitive Style in the Typology of Subjective Regulation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 227-?. DOI:
Peculiarities Manifestations of the «Analyticity – Syntheticity» Cognitive Style in the Typology of Subjective Regulation
The paper aims at identifying characteristics of the manifestation of the «analyticity – syntheticity» cognitive style in the typology of subjective regulation. The study tested a hypothesis that people with the autonomous type of subjective regulation tend to have a synthetic cognitive style, while people with the dependent type of subjective regulation demonstrate an analytical cognitive style. The study sample included 100 employees of an insurance company, 25–50 years old, represented equally by males and females. As its diagnostic tools, the study used the author’s original technique of «autonomy – dependency» and the «analyticity –syntheticity» technique (as modified by V. Kolgi). It has been established that people with the autonomous type of subjective regulation distinguish significantly fewer groups (temp.= 10,40 with P 0,001) and more objects in the biggest group (temp.= 6,01 with P 0,01) than those of the dependent type. The practical significance of the study is that its results can be used by psychologists in designing individual psychological training programs aimed at building cognitive maturity.
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