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Tolochek V. A. Phenomenon of «Acme». Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 16-21. DOI:

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Phenomenon of «Acme»


Dedicated ambiguous aspects of the relationship between the individual (in situations of success, occupational referred to as «Acme») and the environment, relationships, avoiding discussion of sequential study in publications typical of acmeology. Considered important for understanding the phenomenon of «Acme» his «measurements» (temporary, ethical, methodological). Selected typical limitations of modern acmeology, such as: the study of man as an individual, separated from society, from their immediate social environment; the study of man as a separate the subject of labor, the subject of professional activity, not included in the joint with other activities, independent of this activity and
its partners; interpretation of the phenomenon of «Acme"» extremely positive «colours»; interpretation of human evolution exclusively in a positive light - as harmonization, integration, as his development as a professional, etc.; idealization of human interactions with the environment, described as the actualization of its new resources.


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