Cite this article as:

Molchanova N. V. PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AS A CJNDITION FOR EFFECTIVE INTERCULTURAL COOPERATION. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2013, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 3-6. DOI:

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The article presents theoretical analysis of psychological peculiarities of prosocial behavior and its influence on the cooperation between representatives of different cultures. It views modern approaches to the study of prosocial behavior and ideas concerning its content and functions. The author shows the perspectives of studying prosocial behavior and factors of its determination under conditions of intercultural cooperation (through the example of students). The article states that the mechanism of identification leads to conferment of meaningful orientations, characterizing the culture of this social group that is important for understanding of the peculiarities of intercultural cooperation. The process of situational meaning formation is important in terms of actualization by a person of a certain behavioral strategy (“the helper”). Factor interrelation of “external” generally accepted norms with “internal” characteristics of a person, determines the special nature of prosocial behavior's expression. The applied aspect of the problem being investigated can be realized in consulting practice of psychological services as well as program development for optimization of intercultural tolerance. 


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