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Соловьева О. В., Селиванова Ю. В., Щетинина Е. Б. Readiness of Children with Complex Impairments for School Education. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 186-?. DOI:
Readiness of Children with Complex Impairments for School Education
The paper presents the results of an empirical study of various parameters of readiness for school education of children with complex visual and intellectual impairments. It is assumed that the readiness of children with visual and intellectual impairments for school education requires comprehensive, systematic, and long-term interaction of parents, pre-school teachers, specialist on mental defects and physical handicaps, and primary school teachers. Motivational, perceivable, intellectual and verbal spheres of children with complex visual and intellectual impairments were studied based on the diagnostic programme by N. I. Gutkina. It was concluded that most of the remedial schools students who have visual abnormalities and intellectual impairments, are not ready for the educative process. This statement is confirmed by the results of the diagnostic experiment: immature motivation and cognitive activity of students, lack of voluntary attention, various disorders of speech, narrowness of ideas about the environment, behavioral deviations, discrepancy between age level and processes of thinking, memory, attention, and perception were found.
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