Cite this article as:

Maysnikova L. V., Selivanova Y. V. Resource Center as a Modern Model of Psychological, Educational and Social Support of Children with Disabilities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 90-93. DOI:

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Resource Center as a Modern Model of Psychological, Educational and Social Support of Children with Disabilities


The article is devoted to the problem of assisting children with disabilities. Noting the stigmatization of children with disabilities as a result of isolation, lack of socialization, the authors state transformation in contemporary society attitudes towards these children. Inclusion and integration are considered as a long-term strategy, considered not as a local area of work, but as a systematic approach to the organization of general education system as a whole. The authors draw attention to the fact that one of the requirements of successful socialization and integration of children with disabilities in mainstream schools is mandatory special support of the general education system. The need
for organizing the resource centers on the basis of special schools is considered, the activity of the resource center of Saratov School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Children is analyzed in the view of modernization of general and special education. 


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