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Bederkhanova V. P. Significant Ideas of Acmeology of Education in the Context of B. G. Ananyev’s Heritage. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 187-191. DOI:

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Significant Ideas of Acmeology of Education in the Context of B. G. Ananyev’s Heritage


The article presents some approaches to the theory of acmeology of education based on research carried out by B. G. Ananiev. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of education, relying not only on the achievements of pedagogy, but other sciences about a human, and, above all, psychology and acmeology. It has been shown that acmeology, as the science of creative potential self-realization on the way to the peaks of productivity, cannot bypass a problem of the development of human subjectivity. We have established that development of individual ability to become a subject of various types of activity and a subject of their own life can be the main criterion for their upbringing. We should take into consideration the development of a personal professional position of a future teacher as the significant result of education, especially in higher education. The position is revealed as an interdisciplinary concept, reflecting the integral, systemic and most holistic characteristic of an individual’s personality, and the place it occupies. The position is viewed through correlation of internal and external plans of the human life; it is shown as a combination of objective and subjective characteristics of an individual within the system of his/her relationships and activities.


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