
Significant Ideas of Acmeology of Education in the Context of B. G. Ananyev’s Heritage

The article presents some approaches to the theory of acmeology of education based on research carried out by B. G. Ananiev. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of education, relying not only on the achievements of pedagogy, but other sciences about a human, and, above all, psychology and acmeology. It has been shown that acmeology, as the science of creative potential self-realization on the way to the peaks of productivity, cannot bypass a problem of the development of human subjectivity.

Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Personal Responsibility

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to form an active personality able to follow the principle of responsibility for decisions made to oneself and the people around. It is emphasized that responsibility is a multidimensional concept and various fields of knowledge study it. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to get a better understanding of the responsibility of the individual from the perspective of sociology and psychology.

Communicative Activity of an Individual with Violated Psychological Boundaries in Communication via a Mobile Phone and the Internet

We present the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the features of a communicative activity of a person with violated psychological boundaries expanded by modern technical means (the Internet, a mobile phone). According to A. Sh. Tkhostov, psychological boundaries include everything that the individual considers as “his/hers”; the internal criterion of “his/hers” is the controllability of surrounding objects.

Interconnection between Discriminatory Attitudes of an Individual and Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Socio-Political and Socio-Economic Preferences

Discriminatory attitudes, which are common for the society, inhibit social, cultural, and economic development. It is a significant risk factor in the system of interpersonal and social relationships. That is why it is important to analyse the determinants of discriminatory attitudes of individuals and groups for scientific explanation and development of practical recommendations in the field of social management and risk management.

Theoretical Prerequisites for the Study of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Personal in the Changing Society

The main purpose of the article is to present a theoretical review and analysis of modern Russian and foreign studies on the problem of discriminatory attitudes of an individual. The urgency of the study is determined by many factors and is due to scientific, theoretical and socio-psychological circumstances of the modern society. Discriminatory attitudes increase the intensity of local conflicts between dominant and discriminated groups.

Determiners of Mental Capacity Annual Cycle

The article demonstrates the results of a 34-year longitudinal study on the monitoring of intellectual workers mental capacity (MC). The author compares the non-repeatability of MC dynamics in different timing cycles and repeatability of the types of dynamics with similarity of the “external” and “internal” conditions of an individual.

An Individual and a Virtual Organization: Psychological Problems and Prospects of Scientific Research

The article deals with the analysis of psychological problems, which people of today face increasingly in a changing organizational world. Today, both organizations and work activities are undergoing dramatic changes that affect basic principles of the functioning and development of the organization and change the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensured work accomplishment in traditional organization.

Professional Socialization of an Individual in the Process of Subject-Oriented Education

The paper presents the results of theoretical and methodological analysis of a problem of youth early socialization and the major role of professional community to provide socialization in contemporary environment. The authors support the idea of necessity to move towards cross-disciplinary and convergent education based on the implementation of the subject-oriented approach, referring to discussion of implementation of continuation of technological and competence-based approaches in education.