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Леонова Е. Е. Socio-Pedagogical Problems of Children Returned from Substitute Families. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 283-?. DOI:

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Socio-Pedagogical Problems of Children Returned from Substitute Families


Currently, the number of returns of children from foster families to public institutions reaches 10%. The study of the phenomenon of return of children from substitute families from the pedagogical and acmeological points of view is one of the most acute problems of modern social and pedagogical science and practice. The aim of the article is to identify the problems that arise among the returned children. The methods of research are theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of “the return” and a survey of specialists from state institutions that accept children after the return. We clarified the term “return”, made a differentiation between the returned and the returning children, identified causes of abandonment of a child and showed the stages of development of the return. Empirical data was obtained on the basis of analysis of the returns in 13 state institutions from 5 regions of the Russian Federation, which allows to speak about the representativeness of the study. The results of the socio-pedagogical survey on the image of a child returned from a substitute family are presented. It is shown that returns are often made from foster families, the return points are either the first months, or when the child reaches adolescence; gender differences in returns were not found. These research results can be used as a basis for the development of programs for prevention and support for substitute families in case of risk of the return.


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