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Bocharova E. E. Structural Peculiarity of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Personality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 146-156. DOI:

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Structural Peculiarity of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Personality


The purpose of the study presented in the article is to investigate structural peculiarities of discriminatory attitudes empirically. The study was conducted on a sample (N=168), mean age 27,63 years, the sample was mostly composed of females (78,6%). In the course of study we used the following psycho-diagnostic toolset: a questionnaire that was specifically developed for the investigation, Yanoff-Bulman’s “Scale of Basic Beliefs” (M. A. Padun and A. V. Kotelnikova’s adaptation). It is supposed that there are differences in the content of structure-forming variables of individual discriminatory attitudes. Differences in the content of the cognitive component of discriminatory attitudes were traced. Manifestation of negative valency of discriminatory attitudes was recorded in the following cases: “I have prejudices against representatives of another group”; “If someone has external signs of belonging to another group, it makes me worried”; “If I see a representative of this group in a public place, and he/she behaves too freely, I will make a remark concerning his behaviour”; “When I see a representative of this group in the street, I think it would be better for him/her to stay at home”; “If there is a person in a family, who is a representative of this group, then this family should live its own special life and not to seek any privileges.” In this case, we observe readiness of an individual to increase social distance from representatives of other groups. Manifestation of negative ambivalence of discriminatory attitudes was noted in the following case: “I think that students who came to us to study cannot behave so freely and actively”; “Representatives of some groups are allowed too much”; “Presence of some clearly distinguished features should be taken into account when hiring a person.” Let us point out that the logic of discriminatory attitudes actualization is associated with the following attributions “I do not have, but he/she has”, “Sorry, but it cannot be otherwise”, “I have – he/she does not have”. The applied aspect of the problem under study can be implemented in the development of preventive programs to reduce the risk of discriminatory behavior.


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