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Iblyaminova M. R. The Definition of theConcept “Individual Educational Trajectory” by the Content Analysis Method. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 368-373. DOI:
The Definition of theConcept “Individual Educational Trajectory” by the Content Analysis Method
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the concept of “individual educational trajectories” in teaching and educational environment, the relevance of which is due to objective needs and insufficient development of the organization of the process of self-determination and self-realization of the student. There is a number of provisions revealing the objective and semantic meaning of the content of the concept in question, designed to oversee the contradictions between the collective and individual forms of learning, which are implemented with the help of pedagogical support in educational activities. The article also presents the features of designing an individual educational activity on the basis of an individual educational program due to the right to choose an educational program, in the form of a result of self-organized activity and the way of organizing educational activities that stimulate the development and realization of the student’s personal potential. The need to identify the main features that unite different positions through the method of content analysis was theoretically explained. Advantages of choosing an individual educational trajectory consist in the individual tempo of the student, the substantial individuality of individual psychological manifestations, and the formation of a personal picture of the world. The author also systematizes the complex of basic conditions, revealing the stages of the student’s movement along the individual educational trajectory in the educational and extracurricular spheres of his/ her life activity, and also defines the key meaning, which is freedom of choice of participants in the educational process.
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