
The Definition of theConcept “Individual Educational Trajectory” by the Content Analysis Method

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the concept of “individual educational trajectories” in teaching and educational environment, the relevance of which is due to objective needs and insufficient development of the organization of the process of self-determination and self-realization of the student.

The main results of application of an author's technique «20 000 days» (game imitating procedure) are stated during work with various

 It is shown that the problem of definition of hierarchy of valuable orientations has universal character in various cultures. The applied aspect of a studied problem can be realized in diagnostic and in developing work of the social psychologist.

Social Activity as an Element of the Youth Social Self-Identification

The article outlines the main provisions of an integrated model of selfdetermination. Social activity is an important component as we'll as an indicator of social self-determination. The empirical study was carried out on a sample of youth  (N= 100 people, 18-30 years old) using the author's program for comprehensive studying the phenomenon of self determination, developed by A. L. Zhuravlev and A. B. Kupreychenko. It was found that social activity of modern youth is primarily focused on the satisfaction of their needs and their families.