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Тимофеева А. Г. The Problem of School-Based Anxiety from the Position of the Environmental Approach. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 293-?. DOI:

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The Problem of School-Based Anxiety from the Position of the Environmental Approach


In a combination of views on apprehension and anxiety, aspects of the interaction of an individual with the environment and uncertainties are emphasized as properties of this interaction, i.e. aspects conceptually close to the synergetic paradigm of modern science. The author grounds the vision on the implementation of the environmental approach in interpreting the fundamental ideas of the post-nonclassical picture of the world about systemic integration and in the relation to the problem of determinism in refraction to the psychological-pedagogical subject area. The aim of the data of the theoretical analysis presented in the article was the substantiation of high potential of the environmental approach, which develops the concept of the educational environment and technology of its organization. We propose directions of its application to the solution of the problem of school anxiety. Displacement of the angle from deviations to the norm is represented by the author as the most promising vector of pedagogical support of the situation of adaptation of a child to the school community and the conditions of education, and prevention of school anxiety. In addition to the traditional psychological tactics of correction, the pedagogical tactics of forming the habit of active adaptation and knowledge about the environmental specifics and qualities opposite to school anxiety are described. Its justification is given from the methodological positions of the environmental and system-synergetic approaches. The article is a theoretical commentary to the author’s methodical manuals that implements the environmental approach in teaching of junior schoolchildren and is addressed to the specialists involved in providing the technological component of the primary school’s educational environment.


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