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Kuzmina E. I., Kuzmina Z. V. The Ratio of Self-Esteem, Aspiration Level and Value Orientations of an Individual. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 30-43. DOI:

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The Ratio of Self-Esteem, Aspiration Level and Value Orientations of an Individual


From the perspective of the subject-activity theory by S.L. Rubinstein and reflexive activity approach developed by E.I. Kuzmina, which became the methodological basis of our experimental study of self-esteem, aspiration level and value orientations, we clarified the psychological content and substantiated the dialectical unity of these central personality phenomena, showed the heuristic possibilities of their comprehensive research for a deeper understanding of the development of an individual. In the paper, the results of our experimental studies are presented, which testify that self-esteem is a component of structure of consciousness, with its help a person learns the world and himself/herself in this world. Adequately high, constant self-esteem is the core characteristic of a personality and it influences on its development; under the influence of successful activity, self-esteem and the aspiration level are increased, but it is lowered with failure; self-esteem, together with the aspiration level and value orientations, is the regulator of activity. It is suggested that harmony in the ratio of self-esteem, aspiration level and value orientations is achieved through overcoming the contradictions between them. The attractor providing this relations and changing the ratio between the components of the triad is significance. The paper contains the authors’ methods for measuring self-esteem, aspiration level and value orientations, taking into account competentional abilities, which were tested in psychology classes with students of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute and cadets of the Military University, as well as in the course of empirical research among employees of special purpose units.


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