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Zakharova I. V. Trust in a Teacher as a Factor of Teacher’s Educational Influence. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 176-182. DOI:

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Trust in a Teacher as a Factor of Teacher’s Educational Influence


The article describes the problem of decreasing trust in teachers in Russian educational system. Trust is considered as an existential condition of social influence. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the reduction of educational influence of the educational system on modern schoolchildren. The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions and consequences of trust and distrust in a teacher in the practice of Russian educational system. The hypothesis of the study is a predicament of trust in a teacher, both by the individual characteristics of the teacher and a pupil, the nature of their communication, and the social context of the pedagogical interaction, in particular, the public trust in the education system. We assume that trust or distrust of a particular teacher reflects the general perception of a child, parents, society, school and educational system. Such understanding of the problem corresponds to the trend of the multi-subject nature of modern education, which has been explained in a number of studies. The article presents theoretical approaches to the problem of trust in a teacher, set out in humanistic concepts of education, psychological-educational and social studies. We point out what crucial role trust in a teacher can play to the formation, existence and development of child-adult community. The influence of public opinion on the attitude of pupils to the educational system and a teacher was explained. In addition, we analyzed the psychological, educational and organizationaladministrative factors of trust and distrust in a teacher. The article gives examples of direct and indirect consequences of distrust in a teacher. A number of conclusions were drawn after a sociological survey of 11th grade pupils of Ulyanovsk Oblast had been conducted based on 16 schools of the regional center and 16 district schools. The sample structure corresponds to the demographic structure of the region. The article presents examples of negative attitudes of graduate students and their emotional rejection from school. The analysis of responses based on Mann–Whitney U-test revealed differences between samples of girls and boys, schools of advanced education and ordinary schools. Based on the conducted research, we identified conditions for the formation of trust in a teacher in the child-adult community and the direction of further study of the problem of trust in a teacher.


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