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Shustova I. Y. Upbringing of Schoolchildren as an Effect of Friendly Communication with Children. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 191-?. DOI:

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Upbringing of Schoolchildren as an Effect of Friendly Communication with Children


The purpose of the research presented in the article was to connected with the definition of the role of the teacher’s communication with schoolchildren as a significant condition of upbringing. Education is interpreted by the author as a living process of interaction, the basis of which are real relationships, processes and phenomena as natural events surrounding the pupil of reality, capable of generating comprehension of cultural and vital meanings and values. It is emphasized that friendly communication generates the space of a child-adult coexistential community, where values and meanings of children and adults are manifested and intersected, a common value-semantic space is emerging that is meaningful for participants, setting the standard for human relations based on humanistic values. Positional interaction is considered as solidity (community), arising through common interest, general meaningful activity, joint living of difficulties and joys, common emotions and experiences. The applied aspect of the investigated problem can be implemented in the pedagogical practical trainings for educational organizations.


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