
Dynamics of Reflective Personality Characteristics in the Structure of Professional Burnout

The article presents the available in the scientific literature approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of professional burnout and descriptions of factors, symptoms and determinants. The results of a comparative study of the reflexive characteristics of the employees of the boarding home are presented, depending on the level of their emotional burnout (n = 55, 38–52 years, work experience from 4 to 22 years). The following questionnaires were used in the study: “Diagnosis of emotional burnout of an individual» by V. V. Boyko; «Diagnosis of professional burnout» by K. Maslach, S.

Presentation of Professionally Important Qualities of the Counselor by Students with Different Levels of Empathic Abilities

Counseling is one of the most popular and promising professions in this country. The article explores the topical problem of enhancing the efficiency of mastering the future professional activity during training and successful application of the acquired knowledge at work. The study includes an analysis of approaches to the study of professionally important qualities of a counselor, and an analysis of different approaches to solving this problem.

Specificity of the Association between Self-Actualization and Psychometric Creativity

The study attempted to examine the association between creativity measured by divergent thinking tests, and self-actualization. The empirical base was 120 students (100 females, 17 to 22 years of age). The following assessment methods were administered: Self-actualization questionnaire (A. V. Lazukin), E. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Remote Associates Test (S. Mednick), Purpose-in-Life Orientations Test (D. A. Leontyev), Questionnaire «Empathy» (V. Boyko), and Self-esteem scale (Dembo – Rubinstein).

The Correlation between the Empathic Potential and Literary Development of the Child-reader

The article demonstrates mechanisms of empathy of junior students during the lessons of literary reading. The results of the experimental 281 study of level-forming characteristics of empathy are presented according to the literary development of the child-reader, carried out on a sample group of first-graders (N = 24; gymnasium № 1 Saratov) using diagnostic tools: the method of projective type «Yabloko» (Apple) by A. F. Panteleev, the method of diagnostic techniques of literary development M. P. Voyushina (based on the story N. Dubinina «Poslednee yabloko» {The last apple}).