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Вагапова А. Р. Presentation of Professionally Important Qualities of the Counselor by Students with Different Levels of Empathic Abilities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 261-?. DOI:
Presentation of Professionally Important Qualities of the Counselor by Students with Different Levels of Empathic Abilities
Counseling is one of the most popular and promising professions in this country. The article explores the topical problem of enhancing the efficiency of mastering the future professional activity during training and successful application of the acquired knowledge at work. The study includes an analysis of approaches to the study of professionally important qualities of a counselor, and an analysis of different approaches to solving this problem. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to study the structure of the concept of professionally important qualities of a counselor with different levels of empathic abilities. Based on an analysis of students’ views and the application of a set of techniques (Diagnostic Level of Empathic Abilities Technique (V. V. Boyko), Personality Self-Esteem Test (N. M. Peisakhov)), differences in the structure of views about both necessary qualities of a counselor, and about one’s own were identified. It was established that students with a high level of development of empathic abilities, out of necessary qualities and their own ones, identify qualities conducive to understanding human problems, suggesting readiness to be responsible, to work in a group of like-minded people. Students with a low level of development of empathic abilities are more focused on attracting attention to themselves, accepting the boundaries of both their own personality and those of others, less flexible (confident in the correctness of decisions taken). These features suggest that in their professional activity students will be inclined to use different strategies, that there are also risks of premature professional burnout of students of the first group, disappointment in the profession in the prepresentatives of the second one. The issue of quality and direction of the training of counselors remains debatable
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