forms of social activity

Book Review: Psychology of young people’s social activity. Under the editorship of Rail Munirovich Shamionov. Moscow, Publishing house “Pero”, 2020. 200 pages. 1,9 Mb [Electronic publication]

It is an issue of great importance and necessity to study phenomenology of modern people’s social activity within the context of perceiving it as a source of transformation of oneself and of society as a whole. Changes in certain forms of manifestation of social activity, as well as the locus of its orientation are conditioned by the interaction between many factors pertaining to multi-level order, which are integrated into the dynamic regulatory-functional system, reveal peculiarities of social changes, and, at the same time, reflect the general socio-historical context.

Ethical and psychological factors of social activity of modern young people

The purpose of the study presented in the article is an empirical study of the relationship between characteristics of moral selfdetermination and various forms of social activity of young people. The study involves students (N = 236): high school students (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) of Saratov and Saratov Oblast (Russia) aged from 17 to 19 years. We use the following techniques as methodological tools: a questionnaire aimed at registering various forms of social activity and the degree of its manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E.

Relationship between Perfectionism and Forms of Social Activity among Youth of Different Age Groups

The purpose of the study is to establish the interconnection between perfectionism and forms of social activity in students. The study involved representatives of different age groups, all of whom were students (N = 236): high school students (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) from Saratov and Saratov region aged 17 to 19. The methodological tools, that we used, involved a questionnaire aimed at recording various forms of social activity and the degree of their manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E.

Activity Characteristics of Social Activity in Young People Belonging to Different Age Groups

The relevance of the study is associated with insufficient information regarding forms of social activity of an individual taken in conjunction with characteristics of their respective activities and features of manifestation of this relationship in young people belonging to different age groups. Its goal is to identify the most typical areas of manifestation of young people’s social activity considering age development dynamics in relation to characteristics of the activities carried out within them.

Cultural and Historical Determination Factors for the Young People’s Social Activity Direction

The purpose of the study presented in the article is the empirical investigation of cultural and historical factors determining the direction of social activity of the student youth. The empirical study was carried out on a sample of students (N = 236), which included high school students from secondary schools (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) from the city of Saratov and Saratov region. We used a questionnaire aimed at registering various forms of social activity and the degree of their manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachiuk, E. E. Bocharova, M. V.

Regulatory and Worldview Factors of Various Forms of Social Activity of Young People

The aim of the research presented in this article is to study the regulative and ideological factors of different forms of social activity among students. The empirical study is carried out on a sample of students (N = 236), including high school students of general secondary schools (N = 118) and university students from Saratov and Saratov Oblast. We used a complex of psychodiagnostical tools to register various forms of social activity and degree of manifestation using a special questionnaire (by I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, A. I. Zagranichniy et al).