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Bocharova E. E. Cultural and Historical Determination Factors for the Young People’s Social Activity Direction. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 348-361. DOI:

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Cultural and Historical Determination Factors for the Young People’s Social Activity Direction


The purpose of the study presented in the article is the empirical investigation of cultural and historical factors determining the direction of social activity of the student youth. The empirical study was carried out on a sample of students (N = 236), which included high school students from secondary schools (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) from the city of Saratov and Saratov region. We used a questionnaire aimed at registering various forms of social activity and the degree of their manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachiuk, E. E. Bocharova, M. V. Grigoryeva,; the technique called “Cultural values scale” by G. Hofstede modified by N. M. Lebedev and A. N. Tatarko, for measuring the parameters of psychological characteristics of culture; “Morphological test of life values” (V. F. Sopov, L. V. Karpushina) for registering life sphere-related preferences for social activity implementation. Presumably, the presence of differentiation in the functional manifestation of cultural and historical factors in the determination of social activity direction locus depends on the social context. We have observed the dynamics in manifestation of factors related to value-cultural determination of personal social activity, which depends on the socio-age status. Orientation towards values of social equality acts as an initiation factor for leisure, sociopolitical and Internet-network social activity in high school students. High school students’ orientation towards masculinity values is a factor for actualization of educational and developmental activity and the deactivation of protest, radical protest, subcultural, and socioeconomic forms of activity of high school students in the field of education. Students’ orientation towards the values of femininity leads to deactivation of protest activity and actualization of religious initiatives. The students’ cultural orientation towards the values of collectivism determines the initiation of activity of leisure and altruistic orientation, as well as the activity of protest, subcultural, and radical protest orientation in the sphere of social life. High school students’ orientation towards the values of individualism blocks their educational and development initiatives. Orientation towards values regarding avoidance of uncertainty and risk leads to actualization of protest activity in high school students and altruistic activity in students.

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