
Peculiarities of Students’ Self-Actualization of Personality in the Process of Inclusive Vocational Education

The paper presents the phenomenon of self-actualization in foreign and domestic humanistic psychology. Specificity of self-actualization of an individual in the sphere of professional development is determined. The approaches to the problem of self-actualization of personality in psychology from the point of the compensation theory by L. S. Vygotsky are outlined. The necessity of investigating the phenomenon of self-actualization of personality in the conditions of limitation of vital activity is shown.

Individual Characteristics of Stress Resistance in the Context of Self-Actualization of Personality

The article covers the results of the empirical study performed on a sample of respondents who were temporarily unemployed. The purpose of the study presented in this article is to identify individual predictors of stress resistance and to determine its significance for self-actualization of a person. The methodological basis for the research was the theory of integral individuality by F. S. Merlin, B. A. Vyatkin, and the theory of selfactualization of personality. According to the theory by V. S.

Specificity of the Association between Self-Actualization and Psychometric Creativity

The study attempted to examine the association between creativity measured by divergent thinking tests, and self-actualization. The empirical base was 120 students (100 females, 17 to 22 years of age). The following assessment methods were administered: Self-actualization questionnaire (A. V. Lazukin), E. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Remote Associates Test (S. Mednick), Purpose-in-Life Orientations Test (D. A. Leontyev), Questionnaire «Empathy» (V. Boyko), and Self-esteem scale (Dembo – Rubinstein).