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Kudinov S. I., Kudinov S. S., Mikheyeva A. V. Individual Characteristics of Stress Resistance in the Context of Self-Actualization of Personality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 341-348. DOI:
Individual Characteristics of Stress Resistance in the Context of Self-Actualization of Personality
The article covers the results of the empirical study performed on a sample of respondents who were temporarily unemployed. The purpose of the study presented in this article is to identify individual predictors of stress resistance and to determine its significance for self-actualization of a person. The methodological basis for the research was the theory of integral individuality by F. S. Merlin, B. A. Vyatkin, and the theory of selfactualization of personality. According to the theory by V. S. Merlin, personality is revealed through the understanding of a person as an integral individuality, i.e. the interrelation of a number of properties belonging to several hierarchical levels subordinated to different regularities. The structure of personality is represented as a mutual connection and organization of personality traits. It is empirically established that the levels of manifestation of a person’s stress resistance are conditioned by the combination of individual and personal characteristics, such as temperamental properties and anxiety. Self-actualization of respondents with different levels of stress resistance has distinctive features, which indicates some dependence of these phenomena, where stress resistance is one of the predictors of self-actualization of the individual. It is established that anxiety, emotionality and low plasticity are the individual predictors of manifestation of stress resistance in the sample of respondents with a low level of stress resistance; activity, plasticity and lower emotionality are the individual predictors of the manifestation of stress resistance in the sample of respondents with a high level of stress resistance. In conclusion, we made the conclusion about the role of stress resistance as one of the predictors of self-actualization of personality in the period of situational difficulties in life.
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