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Relationship between Adaptation and Coping Behaviour of International Students in Russia

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to generalize theoretical and empirical studies on the relationship between adaptation and coping behaviour of international students in Russia. There is a pronounced tendency towards the increase in international students wishing to obtain higher education in Russia. Not only the “geography” of international students is expanding, but the number of Russian universities willing to enrol the students is also increasing.

Cross-Cultural Peculiars of Coping Strategies of the Russian and the French Students in the Context of Psychological Well-Being

The goal of the empirical study described in the article was to identify the cross-cultural characteristics of coping strategies and psychological well-being undertaken on a sample of the Russian (n = 70) and the French (n = 70) students aged 18 to 25 years old using the following psychodiagnostic tools: “Scale of psychological well-being” (by C. Riff, adapted by N. N. Lepeshinsky), “Ways of Coping Questionnaire” (WCQ, adapted by T. L. Kryukova and E. V. Kuftyak).

Connection between Coping Behaviour Strategies and Life-Purpose Orientations of the Graduates of Orthodox Monastery Orphanage in Guatemala

The article presents the results of the study of coping strategies and life-purpose orientations of graduates of an orphanage at an Orthodox monastery in Guatemala (N = 60). The relevance of the study is conditioned by the possibility of forming recommendations regarding organization of the upbringing process in both secular and religious orphanages, based on the understanding of characteristics under study and the relationship between them.

The Relationship between Coping Strategies and Social and Psychological Personal Characteristics

The results of the empirical research of coping strategies carried out on a selection of modern young people (n = 220; 19–30 years old) are presented. Appliance of questionnaires such as «Adaptive strategies of behaviours» by N. N. Melnikova, «Detector of coping strategies» by D. Amirkhan, «Scales of coping strategies» R. Lazarus, «Motivation to succeed» and «Failure avoidance motivation» by T. Ehlers, multiplefactor personality questionnaire by R. Cattell, J.

Influence of Tolerance Towards Uncertainty on the Strategy of Coping Behavior in Managers

We present the data of theoretical and empirical study of the problem of correlation of tolerance to uncertainty and coping behavior. Empirical research was carried out on a sample of managers of organizations of the Udmurt Republic and the Perm Krai (N = 168; mean age is 33 years) with the use of psycho-diagnostic tools: McLane's tolerance to uncertainty questionnaire (MSTAT-1) adapted by E. G. Lugovitskaya; questionnaire «Strategies of overcoming stressful situations» (SOSS) by S. Hobfoll adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova, E. S. Starchenkova.

Peculiarities of Cognitive Estimation of Inclusion into the Virtual Community by the Internet Communication Subjects

This paper describes the results of studies of the cognitive assessment subjects of their own participation in online communities, as well as their ideas about themselves in the context of addictive and controlling behavior of the individual. Explores the perception and awareness of the potential personal risks of involvement in online communication - on the one hand, and resources the participation - on other hand.