
“Acme”: Space and Time of Manifestation of the Phenomenon

The article discusses the content of the phenomenon of “acme”, it identifies “open questions”, the lack of answers to which hinders its study (temporal parameters of acme, the degree and nature of integration of human qualities, uniqueness and stability of mental structures, the role of environment and the nature of involvement of human activity in the activities of social groups, etc.). The purpose of the article is to raise questions of searching for and identifying spatial and tempora parameters of how the phenomenon of “acme” is manifested.

Space and Time of Intersubjective Interactions as Resources (Research Question Outline)

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of historical trends in the evolution of space and time in work organization as a collective activity of people as its subjects. Because of changes in conditions of interactions between these subjects, new resources are generated. The paper examines possible approaches to the study of space and the effects of interactions between subjects. It identifies seven stages in the evolution of interactions between subjects of collective activities during the twentieth century.

Time of Danger and Safety in Students’ Subjective Experience

The paper aims to identify the characteristics of how the time of danger and safety is represented in university students’ experience. This is achieved by using a technique developed by the authors on a sample of 130 students majoring in pedagogical sciences, aged 18–20 years. The study established that identifying the time of safety is based on the students’ subjective experience, while identifying the time of danger may draw on someone else’s emotionally strong experience.