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Толочек В. А., Шпитонков С. В., Палт Е. А. «Vertical» Arrangement of the Space of Managers’ Business Communication Styles. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 126-?. DOI:

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«Vertical» Arrangement of the Space of Managers’ Business Communication Styles


The paper presents the results of a study of «vertical» arrangement of the space of business communication between managers of a business company. Using the Business Communication Styles research technique (BCS), this study examined the preferences of style components, as reflected in three concepts («I», my style; style features of a subjectively suitable leader; style features of a subjectively suitable subordinate). The study demonstrates the following: 1) managers’ business communication styles prominently feature most style components; 2) in respect to all components of business communication styles, there is a marked inter-individual variability; 3) a holistic working space (space of business communication) is formed in the process of interaction between subjects working collaboratively in the management hierarchy (interaction between higher-ranking leaders – leaders – subordinates); 4) different components of business communication styles play a different role in the formation and structuring of this working space (communication space).


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