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Vagapova A. R., Es’kina E. S. Adaptive Readiness of Secondary School Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 350-355. DOI:

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Adaptive Readiness of Secondary School Students


This article presents the results of theoretical and long-term empirical study of adaptive readiness of secondary school students. Students (N = 83) and class teachers (N = 3) participated in the longitudinal study. The use of the following complexes of psychological and pedagogical instruments allowed to study the dynamics of adaptive readiness of students with initially high and low levels: «Chart of monitoring students’ adaptiveness and effectiveness of their learning activities» by E. S. Eskina, T. L. Bolbot, «Intellectual abilities test for children» by K. Russel, «Instruments for the students’ socialization study» by M. I. Rozhkova, «Junior High School Students’ educational motivation study» by M. R. Ginzburg, «State of health, activity, mood» by V. A . Doskin, N. A . L avrentieva, V. A . Sharaev and M. P. Miroshnikov, «Instrument for teenagers’ educational motivation study» by M. R. Ginzburg, and «Cook–medley hostility scale» by L. N. Sobchik. It is shown that the differences in the level of secondary school students’ adaptive readiness are connected with the peculiarities of their social relationships with classmates and teachers. The applied aspect of the study is that it can be implemented in the advisory practice of psychological services.


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