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Vasyura S. A. Communicative Activity of an Individual with Violated Psychological Boundaries in Communication via a Mobile Phone and the Internet. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 77-84. DOI:

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Communicative Activity of an Individual with Violated Psychological Boundaries in Communication via a Mobile Phone and the Internet


We present the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the features of a communicative activity of a person with violated psychological boundaries expanded by modern technical means (the Internet, a mobile phone). According to A. Sh. Tkhostov, psychological boundaries include everything that the individual considers as “his/hers”; the internal criterion of “his/hers” is the controllability of surrounding objects. Hypothesis: such indicators of communicative activity as sthenicity, awareness and subjectivity in communication are more pronounced for an individual whose psychological boundaries are expanded as a result of using a mobile phone and the Internet, i.e. having the illusion of control and accessibility in relation to people and information, in comparison with a person whose psychological boundaries are not expanded. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the principle of consistency, implemented in scientific and philosophical ideas about the systemic organization of the human psyche by B. F. Lomov, V. S. Merlin, L. Ya. Dorfman, A. I. Kurupnov. We proposed an integrative approach to the study of human activity in the “human” system and the “human-society” polysystem: on its basis we conducted an empirical study on a sample of university students in Izhevsk. We carried out systematic planning of the study on human communicative activity, where we used the comparative method as organizational method. The following psychodiagnostic methods were used: a technique for assessing changes in psychological boundaries when using technical means (MIG-TS 2) (E. I. Rasskazova, V. A. Emelin, A. Sh. Tkhostov); sociability rating test (TSO) (A. I. Krupnov). Technical means expand the boundaries of the physical ego; a person perceives the means as a part of himself/herself. We established that the individual’s communicative activity, in comparison with people who do not have technological extensions of psychological boundaries, is characterized by pronounced emotionality: sthenicity in communication, as well as awareness and subjectivity in communication.


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