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Tolochek V. A. Determiners of Mental Capacity Annual Cycle. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 324-333. DOI:

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Determiners of Mental Capacity Annual Cycle


The article demonstrates the results of a 34-year longitudinal study on the monitoring of intellectual workers mental capacity (MC). The author compares the non-repeatability of MC dynamics in different timing cycles and repeatability of the types of dynamics with similarity of the “external” and “internal” conditions of an individual. The identified regularities include: 1) relatively limited number of variants (types) of MC dynamics (equal to or below seven), 2) reproduction of one of the typical options of MC dynamics with similarity of external and internal conditions of an individual, 3) in cases of deviation from the optimum of MC dynamics in the 1-year cycle, in the subsequent (within the 2-year cycle) its correction and “compensation” there is a reverse trend – a decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in MC, 4) after a voluntary increase in hours of mental work from the first year to the second year, there is be a proportional decrease in MC, 5) due to the mechanisms of self-regulation, the MC changes when “external” conditions of the environment and the “internal” conditions of an individual change, 6) when external and internal conditions and stabilize, the dynamics of MC also stabilizes, 7) age-related evolution does not violate the main regularities of MC dynamics (in a significant age range, in this case, from 25 to 60 years), 8) there is resistance of MC as a self-regulating system (delay of one year: with marked negative changes in environmental conditions, with marked negative changes in the conditions of “internal” environment of an individual, when blocking professional prospects, etc., the corresponding changes in the dynamics of MC are observed next year).


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