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Моrozov А. V. Professional Standard of a School Principal as an Indicator of Managerial Competence. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 3, pp. 203-209. DOI:

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Professional Standard of a School Principal as an Indicator of Managerial Competence

The article summarizes the results of a pilot empirical study aimed at scientific, practical and acmeological analysis of the development and implementation of a professional standard “Head of a general education organization”, which is a criterion for a modern school principal to meet the demands of society and current requirements, an indicator of his/her managerial and personal competence. The problem of professional standard development and implementation is conditioned by the necessity of standardization of approaches to 1) selection and training of general educational organizations’ management; 2) realization of comprehensively substantiated and adequate procedure for education system managers’ certification; 3) creation of a high-quality personnel reserve and nomination of the most worthy and promising employees, etc. Revision of the procedures for selecting and appointing heads of general education organizations, which is caused by the increased requirements for their level of managerial competence, inevitably entails a shift in managerial emphasis in accordance with basic labor functions of a school principal, as well as by well-defined labor activities, required knowledge and skills, and a well-thought-out system of psychological and pedagogical support in the course of training, formation, personal growth and professional development of a manager, alongside modernization of comprehensive control system organization. The results of the study bring us to the conclusion that lack of a transparent and reasonable system of requirements for a potential candidate for the position of general education organization head practically creates a situation that often turns into conflict and other negative relationships among employees, which consequently reduce the effectiveness of all managerial activities.

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